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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Numb. 985 Curtains Q?

Is QAnon slain? 
Have we Q-Tips for brains
been derailed by Biden's train?

What of THE PLAN?
The grand prediction?
Is it not reliable?
Something is wrong.
That's undeniable.

Has Dem Devil DEEP STATE
defeated Q?
If that is true
what shall we do?
Shall we rend our garments?
Shall we tear our hair?
Shall we pretend
we don't really care?
Why and wherefor
is there no there there?

Where are the arrests?
This hurts a lot.
OR is it all
part of the plot
where in the end
Donald trumps all?
Or might it be Q's curtain call
where the audience 
hisses and boos
and we acknowledge
Trump is a loser?
And we, willing dupes 
totally floored 
accept the reality
in its totality
Q is a fraud?

Is this like when Rome fell to the Christians?
Religion displaced by superstition?
Is this the beginning of Satan's reigning?
Or just some SAD losers as always complaining?