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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Numb. 982 Mission Statement

The BYSTANDER does not preach doom and gloom.
(These days that would be sadistic.)
The BYSTANDER watches, observes, and comments.
The BYSTANDER considers himself realistic.
Well, to the extent he can tell what is real.
Whether it is is the question.
The BYSTANDER neither pre- nor proscribes.
He describes. And gets indigestion.
Reality is in the beholder's eye
which is why people seldom agree
what's good, what's bad, what's fair-to-middling,
whether “reality” means shows on TV.
Progression, regression, recession, depression.
History's arc may be long,
but it does not bend in any direction.
Dr. King, in this instance, was wrong.
History has plodded from day to day 
threw out recorded time.
We examine, we analyze, we cogitate. 
And still we get it all mostly wrong.
It's something to do. It passes the time.
And on a good day it may even rhyme.