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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Numb. 991 In Defense Of Donald

OUR president IS NOT a crybaby.
THAT is a damnable lie.
But if you still need to know why …
it's just he IS JUST NOT that sort of a guy.
Donald is stoic. Really heroic.
He DOES NOT know how to complain.
Infectious disease may make the weak sick,
but Donald disdains the idea of pain.
He is a superman, beyond comprehension,
a Universe unto himself,
a being from another dimension. And need I mention
his women and wealth?
Sing ye Hosannas to this Adonis,
this paragon of male virility,
always bestowing blessings upon us,
while demonstrating PERFECT tranquility.
A man for all ages about whom great sages
will write pages and pages of history.
(Forget lost wages and babies in cages.)
Of course he is loved. WHAT IS THE MYSTERY?
Mature. Brainy. Ever so clever.
(Could he be QAnon  … maybe?)
Not the least bit effete, never knowing defeat,
how could anyone claim he's a crybaby!