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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Numb. 990 Christian Tradition

“Christians” make excuses for Trump.
I find that not at all odd.
This is what, historically speaking,
believers do for their God,
who, they assume, knows more than they do,
although they do not understand
why they must suffer (as life has to),
they accept it as a part of THE PLAN.
Unasked, unanswered: the obvious question,
how any Being Supreme
who could be generous, kind, and benevolent,
could choose to be so incredibly mean?
Human suffering? Okay, yeah sure.
Moral lesson. Love God, endure.
“You'll get to heaven. There with me abide.”
(Meantime “free will” lets you to sin on the side.)
Should we deem this God a louse?
Let us consider the case of the mouse.
Or the sparrow. Each in God's eye.
For what purpose must these suffer and die?
Excluded from heaven for lack of a soul,
their pain and suffering … WHAT IS the goal?
There is no lesson, nothing is learned.
Must we conjecture God loves things to squirm?
That living in terror, forever in fear
is his idea of an ideal career?
That “Christians” love Trump is not at all odd.
The curious thing is why they love God.