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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Numb. 977 The Showman Empire (or 476 CE Redux)

Is what we are feeling what folks felt in Rome when the Empire fell?
Or is this the intermission where the Republic becomes holy hell?
Is this what Jefferson meant by “When in the Course of human events”?
Are we living a farcical sequel dismissing the notion of “created equal”?
A Hamiltonian (pre-musical) notion: governed by rich, well-born, and able
a cabal of scoundrels led by a “genius” who, it appears, is somewhat unstable?
That separation of church and state has been reversed is beyond debate
when judicial appointments completely depend on Roe v Wade being upended.
One-“man”-one-vote, it must be noted, was not on the Founders' agenda,
still I believe it hard to conceive what they contemplated was Carthago delenda.
If we are both Carthage and Rome, where, oh where, can “ET, phone home”?
Given GOP muck and Dem incompetence, I would say we're totally [REDACTED]
unless adults (somehow) get elected and (also somehow) reforms are effected.
If GOP is not disarmed, I have no doubt they intend further harm.