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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Numb. 975 For Evil To Tr[i]ump[h]?

I do NOT deal in conspiracies.
But, say that I did …
I still would NOT say Jared is gay
or Donald's the father of Ivanka's kids.
The idea of Melania being a spy
I WOULD proclaim an outrageous lie.
(Though CIA et al., I hear, agree
her father's a colonel in KGB.)
And if you please, this Covid “disease” …
I'd NOT claim is part of a plot
to kill Social Security and Medicare
so GOP donors can all buy spare yachts.

I will NOT engage in scurrilous nonsense.
I will NOT stoop that low.
I would NEVER descend to the feces-filled gutter
where the GOP dwells. (As we well know.)
I could NEVER call Mitch a son of a bitch.
(I would NOT insult a dog.)
NOR would I suggest if Stormy kissed Donald,
he'd have turned in to Pepe the Frog.
An idea, to be clear, that I find shocking,
disgusting, revolting, obscene.
Because you can see, looking at Donald,
that he is orange, he is NOT green.
I will NOT state Donald is Vlad Putin's pawn,
NOR contemplate if he is Satan's spawn,
NOR will I highlight how he hates church bells.
I trust the facts will speak for themselves.