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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Numb. 973 A Thoughtful Republican's Inner Monologue (or Overturning Mark 8:36)

“We’re not going to control the pandemic.” — Mark Meadows, White House Chief Of Staff

We've no need to control this virus.
No reason to make a big fuss.
Donald survived it. Completely unscathed!
To hell with the rest of us.
Anyways, I hear this virus
only kills Democrats.
Never a godly Republican Christian.
We, after all, do not eat bats.
Some gaily say, we've bats in our belfry,
what with our peculiar beliefs
in QAnon and magical thinking,
and, dare I say, our Commander-and-Thief
who led us, sweet Jesus, to total control.
(Although you could say at the cost of our soul )
On the whole we believe, to put it neatly,
all things are justified if you win completely.