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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Numb. 972 Truth Trumped

The truthiest facts is what Donald deals in.
Exacting fact is, in truth, his religion.
But sometimes a fact must be adjusted.
It could be busted. You cannot trust it.
And so to protect his Twitter minions,
Donald instead tweets his opinions,
what he thinks, what he feels  whatever he wishes,
praise for militias, his favorite dishes,
how FAKE NEWS treats him so vicious,
sneeringly claiming TrumpTruth is a lie
as if he were the kind of guy
who would cheat on a wife, welch on an agreement,
not pay a debt as if he'd be vehement
defending racists, fascists, bigots, and traitors
while dragging us down some gold escalator.
Like he was some Queens Mafia Don
whose everyday shtick was The Art Of The Con.