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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Numb. 970 What If The Solution Is Not The Answer

Even IF  BIG IF  IF Donald loses,
BIGGER IF, IF he then leaves
that will not be the end of our problems,
it will not cure Covid disease.

It will not relieve the unease of supporters,
the majority become the minority:
good white Christian folk, 
thinking they get the joke
of his lampoonery, his clowning buffoonery:
celebrating Civil War traitors,
being pals with goon-like dictators,
flouting the law, his misbehavior,
packing the courts, playing at savior,
encouraging looney militia revolts
if he disagrees with election results.

Even IF on Election Day,
the people say, “Donald, just go away!”,
even IF Dems retake the Senate,
even IF Dems retain the House,
even IF Dems repack the Courts,
even IF Dems reverse DC rigor mortis,
even IF Donald peacefully leaves,
his millions of followers armed to the teeth
still will be here, giving us grief.

Things'll be better. Things'll be fine!
We may see a decreasing decline
in the world and in the nation
what with the Covid depopulation.
We may see a dip in pollution.
We may forestall right wing revolution.
With Donald gone (shed crocodile tears)
the country could last several more years.
That's all we ask because as Keynes said,
“In the long run, we are all dead.