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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Numb. 948 Trump, McConnell, Ginsburg, and Qanon

Trump, McConnell et al. v. The Memory Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Arthur Mount
"Winning is the ONLY thing,"
according to Vincent Lombardi.
Virtue and honor? You ding-a-ling,
we are talking po-lit-i-cal par-ty-ing
where, as in love and football and war,
crushing the other is what we're here for.

Corrupt like Trump or shady like Brady
you must seize the moment and not be afraid
of how it looks or what people say.
Just cook the books and have it your way.

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Whatever (A Revelation)

We shall name hurricanes, saying Donald's to blame
because he does not accept "climate change".
We shall fake diseases to go with these breezes
to panic all people when anyone sneezes.
We shall criticize his best friends, Putin and Kim,
only because it annoys him.
We shall subscribe to WeChat and TikTok
(whatever those are), so as to mock him,
this no bell prys-man with his divine plan
to make the U.S. a True Holy Land
as the Founders intended
until we intervened. PLAN UPENDED,
displaced by our evil, Satanic cabal
pretending the nation's a free-for-all:
multi-this, multi-that, multi-we-made-it-up
because, as you know, we are corrupt,
because we hate everything pure
and, because for reasons not at all obscure, 
we, being horse flies, adore manure.

Wait! THAT is TRUE.
THAT can NOT be denied.
And it must mean we're on HIS side.