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Friday, August 21, 2020

Numb. 927 American Issue Voters (a random sample)

I base my decision on my religion.

I don’t vote for deluded fools

unable to see things as I see them.

That is my hard, fast, inviolable rule.

I will not vote for anyone who isn’t vegan.

I want no part of half-hearted vegetarianism.

If you don’t root for my team, I can not esteem you.

Sorry, but that’s how things are.

If you do not share my skin, eyes, and hair

I can not support you — not on a dare.

If your ancestors came from anywhere

different than mine,

you will not get my vote.

Not one single time.

Under our system it is my right

to vote against anyone not my weight and height.

I suppose you have guessed

I oppose those not of my sex.

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020